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Caroline Thomason
Can Diabetes Cause Hair Loss?
Hair loss can be distressing and emotional, and if you have diabetes, it may come as anunexpected side effect. Diabetes, specifically when uncontrolled for long periods oftime, impacts various systems in the body, including those that impact hair growth.
Does diabetes cause hair loss — and is it reversible? Let’s break down how diabetes affects your body and what you can do to support healthy hair growth.
Caroline Thomason
Are Cherries Good for Diabetics?
Cherries are a summertime favorite—sweet, juicy, and versatile. But if you have diabetes, you may wonder: are cherries a good choice? The answer is yes—with a few considerations.
Leonor Long
Can a Diabetic Eat Mandarin Oranges?
The tangerine is a fruit absolutely compatible with the diet of a person with diabetes, but as with all foods it is always good to pay attention to the quantities consumed.
Leonor Long
Choosing the Correct Test Strip for Blood Glucose Meter
The daily use of a blood glucose meter is certainly a good choice and also a necessity for people with diabetes, as it allows you to check how the body reacts throughout the day, and is also useful for monitoring harmful glycemic peaks. However, it is important to be careful about the type of test strips you use, as only strips that are specifically made for your meter can provide reliable and safe results.
Leonor Long
How Much Coffee Can I Eat with Diabetes?
Coffee, although not a food, is a beverage that can enrich the daily diet of a person with diabetes. It is essential, however, to stick to the recommended daily doses of caffeine, which are generally between 200 and 400 milligrams. This equates to about two to three cups of coffee per day.
Leonor Long
How to eat Milk with diabetes?
Milk offers benefits due to its bioactive compounds such as calcium, high-quality protein, and essential vitamins. However, it is important to monitor your individual response to your blood glucose levels and to consult with a doctor or dietitian before making any significant changes to your diet. In conclusion, milk can be a valuable ally in the diet of those living with diabetes, as long as it is consumed wisely and without ever exceeding.
Sarah Y
6 Warning Signs of Worsening Diabetes
Managing diabetes requires vigilance. Watch for signs like high HbA1c, blurred vision, GI issues, edema, mobility changes, and slow wound healing.
Sarah Y
How to Balance Your Diet for Diabetes? One Plate, Easy Solution!
Discover an easy solution for balancing your diabetes diet with a 9-inch plate. Non-starchy veggies, grains, proteins, dairy, and low-sugar fruits!
Sarah Y
10 Clever Tricks to Stabilize Blood Sugar Levels
Discover 10 clever tricks for stabilizing blood sugar levels. Empower yourself with knowledge and lifestyle adjustments for better health management.
Sarah Y
Follow These 4 Tips and Never Buy Junk Food Again!
Empower your diabetes management with these 4 tips: avoid trans fats, additives, shop health sections, and cautious with sugar-free products.
Sarah Y
Can Diabetics Eat Snacks?
Discover diabetic-friendly snacks: yogurt for protein, walnuts for brain health, cucumbers for freshness, and low-calorie biscuits for guilt-free munching.
Sarah Y
Choosing Between Sweet Potatoes and Purple Sweet Potatoes for Diabetics
Choosing between sweet potatoes & purple sweet potatoes for diabetics: Both nutritious, but manage portion size & monitor blood sugar levels for optimal health.
Sarah Y
Is Soup Good for Diabetics?
Discover if soup is suitable for diabetics. Learn about diabetic-friendly soup options and precautions. Make informed choices for better health
Sarah Y
Why Are Diabetics More Prone to Malnutrition?
Discover why diabetics face malnutrition risks & how to counteract them. Balanced diet, medication management, & lifestyle changes are crucial.
Sarah Y
5 Fruits Tailored for Diabetes Management
Discover 5 fruits tailored for diabetes management: Cherries, Pomelo, Strawberries, Cucumbers, and Cherry Tomatoes. Low sugar, high nutrition!
Sarah Y
Can Diabetics Eat Watermelon?
Discover the truth about diabetics and watermelon. With moderation, timing, and control, enjoy this summer treat without compromising health
Sarah Y
Navigating the Diabetic Diet: Three to Avoid and Three to Embrace
Discover the essentials of a diabetes-friendly diet: avoid blood sugar spikes, embrace soy, fungi, vegetables. Your plate, your health, your choice!
Sarah Y
8 Habits That Can Lead to Pancreatic Failure and Uncontrolled Blood Sugar
Manage diabetes by changing harmful habits: limit drinking, sleep well, eat balanced meals, avoid fatty foods, and monitor blood sugar regularly.
Sarah Y
Can Some Diabetes Patients Avoid Medication?
Managing diabetes sans medication is feasible for some in early stages, gestational diabetes postpartum, or during a "honeymoon phase," but vigilance and individualized care are vital.
Sarah Y
5 Foods Beneficial for Preventing and Managing Diabetic Eye Diseases
Discover 5 key foods for diabetic eye health: Lutein-rich veggies, DHA-packed fish, B vitamin sources, vitamin C fruits, and anthocyanin-rich foods.
Sarah Y
6 Warning Signs of Diabetic Heart Disease
Learn the 6 warning signs of diabetic heart disease: from declining hearing to abnormal sweating, early detection is key for prevention and management.
Sarah Y
Safely Enjoying Fruits and Beverages for Diabetes Patients
Discover how diabetics can enjoy fruits & beverages safely. Learn smart choices & moderation for a balanced diet. Take control of your health!
Sarah Y
Comprehensive Guide about Vitamin B12 Supplementation for People with Diabetes
Discover the importance of vitamin B12 for people with diabetes, learn about dietary adjustments and oral supplements to ensure optimal health.
Sarah Y
Balancing Blood Sugar: What to Eat and Avoid for Breakfast
Craft a balanced breakfast for stable blood sugar: choose whole grains, lean proteins, fresh veggies, and nuts.
Sarah Y
Unlocking Fitness and Blood Sugar Mastery: The 1-3-5-7-9 Exercise Mantra
Unlock fitness & blood sugar mastery with 1-3-5-7-9 mantra.
Sarah Y
6 Common Mistakes People Make About Testing Blood Sugar Levels
Optimal blood sugar management requires regular monitoring beyond fasting levels. Postprandial, HbA1c, and timely checks help prevent complications.
Sarah Y
Understanding Type 2 Diabetes in Non-Obese Individuals
Understanding how type 2 diabetes affects non-obese individuals and effective prevention and treatment measures for all body types.
Sarah Y
Recognizing Symptoms of Worsening Diabetes
Recognizing worsening diabetes symptoms is crucial for timely intervention. Beyond classic signs, watch for issues like erectile dysfunction and decreased stamina.
Sarah Y
3 Key Signs Your Body Sends to Alert You of Blood Sugar Fluctuations
Understanding the gradual impact of high blood sugar is vital. Proactive management and lifestyle adjustments are key in preventing diabetes complications.
Sarah Y
Oops! Forgot Your Diabetes Medication? Here’s What to Do
Missed a dose of diabetes meds? Stay calm! Act based on guidelines: adjust dose or consult doctor if needed.
Sarah Y
Dietary Strategies for Diabetic Nephropathy Management
Dietary management is key in diabetic nephropathy. Reduce salt, protein, balance carbs, watch potassium/phosphorus for kidney health.
Will Insulin Kill a Non-diabetic Person?
Both diabetics and non-diabetics can die from excessive insulin. It is crucial to stay informed and vigilant about safe insulin usage for successful diabetes management.
Is Bisto Gravy OK for Diabetics?
People living with diabetes can continue to enjoy delicious Bisto gravy without guilt by making smart choices and being mindful of their portion choices.
Is Orange Good for Diabetics?
This article will explore the impact of oranges on diabetics, considering various factors, including the glycemic index (GI), fibre content, vitamins, and minerals.
Ahmed Huang
Is Bovril Good for Diabetics?
While people with diabetes can enjoy Bovril as part of a well-balanced meal plan, it's important to consider its nutritional makeup, including sodium content and overall calorie intake.
Ahmed Huang
How to Stop Diabetes Night Sweat?
Night sweats alone are not an indicator of diabetes. There are strategies to combat night sweats, for example, wearing comfortable clothing, testing blood sugar levels 3 to 4 times a day, adjusting lifestyle habits, and seeking medical guidance.
Ahmed Huang
Balancing Carbs for Cooking Diabetic-Friendly Potatoes
Potatoes can be part of a balanced, diabetes-friendly diet with careful attention to portion size, preparation methods, and overall meal composition.
Ahmed Huang
What Biscuits Can Diabetics Eat?
Just because you have diabetes doesn't mean you can't enjoy biscuits. Make healthy choices about your diet and monitor your portion sizes. You can easily enjoy a biscuit or two without spiking your blood sugar if you do so.
Ahmed Huang
Is Marmite Good for Diabetics?
If you're diabetic and look to add a flavorful and nutritious spread to your diet, consider giving Marmite a try. Just remember to keep portion sizes in check and balance it with other healthy foods.
Ahmed Huang
Are Tomatoes Bad for Gout?
Foods are known to trigger gout attacks, and tomatoes are one of the most frequently implicated by people with gout.
Ahmed Huang
Can Diabetics Eat Bacon and Eggs?
Bacon and eggs are delicious breakfast which has potential risks for diabetics. While enjoying, making smart choices and balancing our diet is important.
Ahmed Huang
Why Does Your Blood Sugar Change When Getting a Tattoo?
Getting a tattoo can be an exciting experience for many people. But those with diabetes need to be aware of the potential impact of tattoos on their blood sugar levels.
Ahmed Huang
Is Sweet-Smelling Poop a Sign of Diabetes?
Sweet-smelling poop is not a sign of diabetes. Instead, it may indicate changes in gut microbiota or the intestinal ecosystem. Also, diabetes patients more commonly have sweet or fruity odours in their breath and urine than in poop.
Ahmed Huang
Does Paracetamol Affect Blood Sugar Levels?
Paracetamol is a common drug for fever and pain. In this article, we will talk about whether diabetics can use Paracetamol and more related suggestions.
Ahmed Huang
Can Diabetics Eat Crumpets?
Even if you have diabetes, crumpets can still be worked into your diet if you plan carefully.
Ahmed Huang
How does Glucose Enter the Cell?
This article will discuss the importance of glucose and how it enters our cells. More topics, such as glucose storage and usage, are also discussed.
Ahmed Huang
Is Beetroot Good for Diabetes?
Beetroot is proven to be an effective natural treatment for diabetes. Check out the benefits of beetroot for diabetes and how one can use it to manage diabetes.
Ahmed Huang
Does Drinking Water Lower my Blood Sugar?
This article discusses the importance of drinking water and whether drinking water can lower blood sugar.
Ahmed Huang
Can Diabetics Eat Meat Pies
Having diabetes does not mean that we must avoid meat pies. If anyone can balance the carbs they consume, they will be able to enjoy all types of tempting treats they like.
Ahmed Huang
How Long Does Sugar Stay in My Blood?
This article talks about the sugar metabolism in our body (how long sugar stays in our blood), its importance, and tips for better digesting sugar.
Ahmed Huang
Can Diabetics Eat Fish and Chips?
Fish and Chips are the typical dishes of British cuisine. This article will discuss its nutritional content and health benefits for diabetes.
Ahmed Huang
Can Soap affect Blood Sugar Readings?
This article discusses whether washing hands with soap affects blood sugar readings. General advice on blood sugar monitoring is also introduced.
Ahmed Huang
Why can't diabetics use wax strips?
We will explain why we can't diabetic use wax strips in this article. If you still want to use was strips with diabetes, you can get our advice too.
Leilei Huai
Sinocare Tips for Gout Patients: How to Deal with Gout Scientifically?
This article talks about the relationship between purines and uric acid, the mechanism of gout, and five factors related to elevated blood uric acid.
Medications That can Increase Blood Sugar
Some medications used to treat common conditions can raise blood sugar levels; therefore, it is important to know them, because they can interfere with the treatment of pathologies such as diabetes. As a result, for a person suffering from diabetes it is vitally important to have good control of his condition, since hyperglycemia (that is, a high level of sugar in the blood) can cause serious health problems, such as kidney failure, cardiovascular disorders and diabetic retinopathy. Symptoms related to hyperglycemia usually never appear abruptly, but rather in a gradual form; for this reason, in some cases diabetic patients, not...
The Best Foods That Lower Heart Rate - Expert'S Advice
Of course, not all foods are created equal and some are very bad for the body while others are very healthy and positive for the heart. With this article we are going to talk in detail about some of the foods that are good for the heart and how they can be used in your daily diet.
Everything you need to know about diabetes and chronic pain
Treating pain can be a key factor in helping to keep diabetes under control. In fact, chronic pain haunts many people with diabetes, making it harder for them to manage their condition through exercise, healthy eating, and medication, and in particular, the burden of living in pain could distract diabetic patients from doing what is necessary for their health.
Does Pain Increase Blood Pressure - Unveil The Myths Of Pain And Blood Pressure
For patients suffering from severe pain, finding effective pain management treatment is critical because it can improve your overall quality of life, but it may also be essential to your cardiovascular health. Medical researchers believe that there is a link between pain and high blood pressure. This means that if you struggle with widespread pain, you are at a higher risk of developing high blood pressure and other problems related to cardiovascular health.
What Should I Do If I Have Hypoglycemia?
Pre-meal hypoglycemia is an early warning sign of abnormal blood sugar. The more often hypoglycemia occurs, the more the symptoms will keep changing and become atypical. In the early stage of diabetes, there are mainly obvious conscious symptoms such as panic, shaking hands, sweating, dizziness, hunger and weakness. As the disease lengthens and worsens, the symptoms of hypoglycemic episodes become atypical, and in severe cases, symptoms such as mental inattention, agitation, irritability, coma, impaired cardiovascular system function, and impaired nervous system may also occur.
Lucas Wang
What Should People Do with Macrovascular Complications of Diabetes?
The risk of death for people with diabetes is doubled than ever before while the life expectancy is shortened by 9 years, as per a study related to chronic diseases conducted in China. Diabetes can lead people to suffer from various related diseases, covering stroke, ischemic heart disease, chronic kidney disease, chronic liver disease, infection, etc. Among these diseases, macrovascular complications boast the highest potential risks to cause death.
Lucas Wang
A Look at HbA1c, Fasting and Postprandial Blood Glucose
Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) is widely recognized as a standard to evaluate the quality of diabetes control. As is known to all, HbA1c is closed related to fasting as well as postprandial blood glucose. It has remained a hard issue to address how to evaluate the quality of diabetes control in the long run, particularly for those who suffer from fluctuations and insulin injections.
Lucas Wang
Here's A Look at Hypertension Inspired by SPRINT Research
When the blood vessels are slightly blocked, and the blood pressure is climbing, people may suffer from an early stage of hypertension. With the blood vessels becoming severed blocked, it indicates the happening of high blood pressure. The disease is extremely harmful to the body and is the main cause of stroke, heart disease, heart and kidney failure and blindness.
Lucas Wang
How to Lower the Symptoms of Hyperglycemia? Dietary Fiber Matters!
According to studies about the relationship between cellulose and diabetes conducted by Harvard University, people who are prone to eat high-fat and low-fiber foods are more easily to have the risks of diabetes than those who regularly eat low-fat but high-fiber foods. Against this backdrop, what's the relationship between dietary fiber and diabetes?
Lucas Wang
Four Words Help People with Diabetes Manage High Blood Pressure
Due to the fact that high blood pressure can damage blood vessels, diabetic complications, covering diabetic nephropathy and diabetic retinopathy, are closely related to high blood glucose and high blood pressure. People with diabetic nephropathy should pay more attention to the situation. If they fail to control blood pressure in a reasonable range, it is more likely to develop into uremia. So, how should people with diabetes deal with high blood pressure? Four words matter!
Lucas Wang
Here is a Brief Introduction about Glycosylated Hemoglobin 2021
Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) results from hemoglobin being wrapped in blood sugar. The amount of glucose combined from hemoglobin is directly proportional to the total glucose content in the blood system. It is significant for people with diabetes to conduct the HbA1c test in that the higher the HbA1c level, the greater the risk of diabetic complications.
Lucas Wang
11 Signals People with Diabetes Should Know about Complications
Diabetes is featured by the symptoms of polydipsia, polyphagia, polyuria, and weight loss clinically. However, roughly half of people with diabetes boast atypical clinical symptoms, even no obvious symptoms at the very beginning. And then a certain complication is followed. Against this backdrop, what signals are there to indicate the happenings of diabetes complications?
Lucas Wang
Top 6 Misunderstandings Following Taking Hypoglycemia Medicine
At present, people with diabetes still remain misunderstandings about medication, enabling them to fail to control their blood sugar well. Against this backdrop, what are the common misunderstandings about hypoglycemic drugs?
Lucas Wang
How Can People with Gout Eat to Lower Uric Acid in Summer?
An analysis conducted by the Chinese medical authority in 2017 noted that roughly 170 million people saw the happenings of hyperuricemia, of which more than 80 million are gout patients. In addition, the disease is increasing rapidly at an annual growth rate of 9.7%. Nowadays, gout has become the second-largest metabolic disease following diabetes, which has not gained attention yet.
Lucas Wang
5 Top Exercise Mistakes for People with Diabetes
It's essential to know how exercise affects the blood glucose levels before starting an exercise regime. You may also need to get additional information about the common pitfalls with diabetes, helping achieve your treatment goals in a right manner.
Lucas Wang
What Should People with High Uric Acid Do at Home 2021?
People are able to enjoy various foods with the improving living standard. Yet, it seems that people's dietary habits become gradually unhealthy and unreasonable, particularly in the middle-aged. Following the high incidence of hypertension, hyperlipidemia and hyperglycemia, high uric acid has become another factor to threaten people's health.
Lucas Wang
Rainbow Recipe: A Guideline for People with Diabetes
Recent years witnessed the fact that the incidence of malignant tumors in China has been on the rise. The World Health Organization has previously stated that 60% of factors depend on the individual's own lifestyle. Among these 60% factors, dietary factors are on the top list!
Lucas Wang
Here's what we should know about hypoglycemia
As is known to all, glucose is our energy's main source. Hypoglycemia is defined as the fact that people's blood sugar level is lower than normal. In the early stage of diabetes, obvious symptoms cover palpitation, shakiness, sweating, fatigue, hunger, and weakness. What's worse, people with serve symptoms will suffer from a lack of concentration, restlessness, irritability, impaired cardiovascular system and nervous system damage.
Judy zhu
My Thoughts on Sinocare Safe Accu Blood Glucose Meter - by Kent Pasia Victoria
Everybody wishes to be in good shape as far as health is concerned. I can say that I am one of the grateful people who was able to use a Sinocare product, which I can surely say, in no doubt to be a great partner to good health. What I am speaking of in particular is the complete set of devices to monitor my blood sugar level. I am comfortable using all the devices needed to constantly monitor my health.
lingfeng zhang
General Instructions: Advantage & How to use No Touch Infrared thermometer
Temperatures detected by classical thermometers (oral and axillary) are generally reliable, however measuring these temperatures, especially in children under the age of 4 and the elderly, is often difficult as they are invasive methods and require patient immobility. For these reasons, an infrared thermometer represents a valid measurement tool, as many studies have shown how the rapidity of measurement allows to obtain temperatures in an immediate, accurate and contactless way.
lingfeng zhang
The importance of careful monitoring of one's Weight and Body Mass (BMI)
Obesity is a physical problem that afflicts a large proportion of the population nowadays, and therefore constitutes a serious public health crisis in the United States and internationally, with the prevalence of rapidly increasing cases in many industrialised countries. In detail, the National Center for Health Statistics report said that in U.S. individuals 20 years of age or older, obesity prevalence hassteadily increased from 19.4% in 1997 to 31.4% for the period 2017.
lingfeng zhang
6 Simple Tips To Weight Loss For Modern Women
With more and more women participating in the socialization division of labor, along with the huge work pressure, health problems have become the topic of concern to women in modern society. Among these health problems, weight loss is a particular concern for every modern woman, especially those who love beauty, and many chronic diseases are inextricably linked to obesity.
lingfeng zhang
Stories Of COVID-19: Chronic Disease Care Is Essential Care
This post is part of a Health Affairs Blog short series, "Stories of COVID-19." The series presents first-person accounts from patients and providers that highlight policy issues raised by the COVID-19 pandemic and response. For longer-form personal essays about health care, read our long-running Narrative Matters series in the journal. Nine months ago, I was driving home from Philadelphia in tears. Everything seemed out of control. With endeavors, I recknon care for chronic diseases is essential.
lingfeng zhang
How Fiber Helps Control High Blood Sugar
Harvard University has conducted two large-scale studies on the relationship between cellulose and diabetes, each time more than 40,000 people participated. Studies have confirmed that people who regularly eat high-fat, low-fiber foods have a two-fold higher risk of diabetes than those who regularly eat low-fat, high-fiber foods. It is also rumored among Chinese people that dietary fiber can not only lose weight but also lower three highs. So what is the inextricable relationship between dietary fiber and diabetes?
lingfeng zhang
6 Healthy Life Habits For Helping Control Type 2 Diabetes
As we all know type 2 diabetes is a common condition with numerous risk factors, causes of type 2 diabetes may range from lifestyle factors such as obesity and lack of exercise to being diagnosed with gestational diabetes during pregnancy. When we are healthy, we will pay attention to whether there are any ways to prevent diabetes, what good lifestyle habits can help us maintain a stable Blood Glucose level condition?
lingfeng zhang
How to Test Your Blood Sugar Level At Home
Blood glucose levels are the amount of glucose that someone has in their blood at any given time. Blood sugar levels change throughout the day. This blog mainly gives a brief introduction of blood sugar level and blood glucose test. Besides, the way and the time to test blood glucose with diabetes, and 6 keys to successful blood sugar monitoring at home can be founded in the blog.
lingfeng zhang
Recommended Main Food For Diabetes Type 2
Dietary therapy is an important way to manage prediabetes and type 2 diabetes is through a healthful diet. Being mindful of carbohydrate intake, eating smaller meals regularly, and choosing nutrient-dense, healthful options can all help. Foods can also protect you from problems caused by diabetes, like heart disease, obesity, and high blood pressure. They should provide nutrients and energy, and help you stay full and satisfied.
lingfeng zhang
Blood Sugar Monitor: Everything You Should Know
Blood sugar monitor is an essential part of diabetes care. There is research showing that self-monitoring of blood glucose can help blood glucose control. If you are an insulin injector or a pregnant sugar patient, in order to strictly control blood sugar levels and reduce the occurrence of hypoglycemia, you must keep blood glucose monitoring. Find out why, when to test your blood sugar, how to use a blood sugar meter and more.
lingfeng zhang
Everything You Should Know Choose Sphygmomanometer for Home Use
Family medical care has become the fashion of medical care for people, Home Sphygmomanometer is One of the Family medical care Parts. In the past, people had to go to the hospital to measure blood pressure, but now as long as they have a home electronic Sphygmomanometer they can monitor blood pressure changes at any time. If abnormal blood pressure is found, they can go to the hospital for treatment in time, preventing cerebral hemorrhage and heart failure.
lingfeng zhang
Exercise Advise and Benefits for Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by high blood sugar, which can be divided into type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes incidence age is mostly under 30 years of age, sudden onset, oral medicine alone is ineffective, need to use insulin treatment; Long-term diabetes can easily lead to chronic damage and dysfunction of various tissues, especially the eyes, kidneys, heart, blood vessels, and nerves.