Other Chronic Diseases

Medications That can Increase Blood Sugar

Medications That can Increase Blood Sugar

Some medications used to treat common conditions can raise blood sugar levels; therefore, it is important to know them, because they can interfere with the treatment of pathologies such as diabetes. As a result, for a person suffering from diabetes it is vitally important to have good control of his condition, since hyperglycemia (that is, a high level of sugar in the blood) can cause serious health problems, such as kidney failure, cardiovascular disorders and diabetic retinopathy. Symptoms related to hyperglycemia usually never appear abruptly, but rather in a gradual form; for this reason, in some cases diabetic patients, not...

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Everything you need to know about diabetes and chronic pain

Everything you need to know about diabetes and chronic pain

Treating pain can be a key factor in helping to keep diabetes under control. In fact, chronic pain haunts many people with diabetes, making it harder for them to manage their condition through exercise, healthy eating, and medication, and in particular, the burden of living in pain could distract diabetic patients from doing what is necessary for their health.

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Does Pain Increase Blood Pressure - Unveil The Myths Of Pain And Blood Pressure

Does Pain Increase Blood Pressure - Unveil The Myths Of Pain And Blood Pressure

For patients suffering from severe pain, finding effective pain management treatment is critical because it can improve your overall quality of life, but it may also be essential to your cardiovascular health. Medical researchers believe that there is a link between pain and high blood pressure. This means that if you struggle with widespread pain, you are at a higher risk of developing high blood pressure and other problems related to cardiovascular health.

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Lucas Wang
What Should People Do with Macrovascular Complications of Diabetes?

What Should People Do with Macrovascular Complications of Diabetes?

The risk of death for people with diabetes is doubled than ever before while the life expectancy is shortened by 9 years, as per a study related to chronic diseases conducted in China. Diabetes can lead people to suffer from various related diseases, covering stroke, ischemic heart disease, chronic kidney disease, chronic liver disease, infection, etc. Among these diseases, macrovascular complications boast the highest potential risks to cause death.

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