Sinocare brings DPCC & All-Professional Collaborative Diabetes Closed-Loop Management Model to CHMIA 2020

Sinocare brings DPCC & All-Professional Collaborative Diabetes Closed-Loop Management Model to CHMIA 2020

The 2020 Annual Meeting of the Diabetes Professional Committee of the Chinese Society for Health Information and Healthcare Big Data and the "Digital Health and Diabetes" Forum (referred to as CHMIA) hosted by the China Society for Health Information and Healthcare Big Data will be held on December 11-13, 2020 Held in Nanjing, the theme of the conference is "Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Diabetes Diagnosis and Treatment". Sinocare Inc. presented the DPCC project and the "full-specialized collaborative diabetes closed-loop management model" at the forum.

At the forum, Professor Zhiguang Zhou, Dean of the Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, shared the implementation and progress of the DPCC project. DPCC is a standardized diabetes prevention and control project initiated by Professor Zhiguang Zhou and organized and managed by the National Metabolic Disease Clinical Medicine Research Center to build and promote across the country. At present, the project has carried out more than 60,000 general screenings at the grassroots (village clinics, township health centers), and based on the diabetes management platform provided by Sinocare Inc., effective management and timely referral of diagnosed diabetic patients, Has made initial results.

This project extends from the hospital to the hospital, from the grade hospital to the grassroots level, using Internet technology, the diabetes management system inside and outside the hospital, and relying on the graded diagnosis and treatment platform to truly realize the graded treatment within the medical alliance and combine diabetes management with prevention, management and treatment. And move the port of diabetes management forward, sink high-quality resources, and benefit the general public. At the same time implement it to the grassroots and strengthen the grassroots. Experts from higher-level hospitals train grassroots medical staff, participate in free clinics and carry out general screenings in towns and towns. After patients are diagnosed, they are referred to higher-level hospitals. On the basis of opening up multiple medical levels, upper and lower linkages and joint management have been realized. Professor Zhiguang Zhou also used the implementation of the DPCC project in the Pingjiang area of ​​Hunan Province as a case at the forum, introduced the considerable progress made after the implementation of the project, and called on like-minded people from all over the world to join.

Associate Professor Yu Zhao, director of the Endocrinology Department of Shenzhen Baoan District Central Hospital, introduced the Baoan District Central Hospital's entire group "full-specialized collaborative diabetes closed-loop management model" to the guests at the forum. This model creates a group-wide full-specialty collaboration under the closed-loop diabetes management model for the trinity of hospitals, communities, and homes. It makes full use of the Sinocare hospital diabetes management system, and its critical value prompts can drive full-specialized collaborative consultations; use the home diabetes management system outside the hospital, Carry out continuous and complete care for patients; use information technology to break data barriers, realize the integration of inside and outside the hospital, and data sharing avoids Data silos.

The implementation of this all-specialist collaboration model has enabled the Baoan District Central Hospital to achieve the guiding and leading role of the leading hospital within the medical group, leading 39 social health centers to manage patients throughout the course of the disease, effectively improving the level of diabetes management, and The family doctor signed a contract to implement management services at the grassroots level; at the same time, a two-way referral channel was opened, which improved the utilization of medical resources and the quality of life of patients.

Through the deepening of the study of medical reform and health economic policies, as well as the exchange and sharing of medical institution operation and management experience and excellent cases of information application, this conference aims to improve the level of operation management and information application of health institutions, so as to promote the intelligent Operation of public hospitals. high-quality development, and jointly promote the implementation of Healthy China.

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