
Lucas Wang
Here is a Brief Introduction about Glycosylated Hemoglobin 2021

Here is a Brief Introduction about Glycosylated Hemoglobin 2021

Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) results from hemoglobin being wrapped in blood sugar. The amount of glucose combined from hemoglobin is directly proportional to the total glucose content in the blood system. It is significant for people with diabetes to conduct the HbA1c test in that the higher the HbA1c level, the greater the risk of diabetic complications.

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Lucas Wang
11 Signals People with Diabetes Should Know about Complications

11 Signals People with Diabetes Should Know about Complications

Diabetes is featured by the symptoms of polydipsia, polyphagia, polyuria, and weight loss clinically. However, roughly half of people with diabetes boast atypical clinical symptoms, even no obvious symptoms at the very beginning. And then a certain complication is followed. Against this backdrop, what signals are there to indicate the happenings of diabetes complications?

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Lucas Wang
Top 6 Misunderstandings Following Taking Hypoglycemia Medicine

Top 6 Misunderstandings Following Taking Hypoglycemia Medicine

At present, people with diabetes still remain misunderstandings about medication, enabling them to fail to control their blood sugar well. Against this backdrop, what are the common misunderstandings about hypoglycemic drugs?

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Lucas Wang
How Can People with Gout Eat to Lower Uric Acid in Summer?

How Can People with Gout Eat to Lower Uric Acid in Summer?

An analysis conducted by the Chinese medical authority in 2017 noted that roughly 170 million people saw the happenings of hyperuricemia, of which more than 80 million are gout patients. In addition, the disease is increasing rapidly at an annual growth rate of 9.7%. Nowadays, gout has become the second-largest metabolic disease following diabetes, which has not gained attention yet.

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