
Ahmed Huang
Is rhubarb good for diabetes?

Is rhubarb good for diabetes?

This article seeks to answer the main questions about rhubarb and its potential beneficial properties in diabetes.

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Ahmed Huang
Why can't Diabetics Use Heating Pads

Why can't Diabetics Use Heating Pads

A heating pad improves our blood circulation and keeps us from freezing weather. However, one with diabetes should be careful when using a heating pad and follow some safety tips here.

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Ahmed Huang
Is Lurpak Butter Good for Diabetics

Is Lurpak Butter Good for Diabetics

Lurpak is a famous butter brand. Several things need to be considered when having this delicious food with diabetes. This article gives you data and tips for eating the butter with diabetes.

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Ahmed Huang
Can Diabetics Eat Cheese on Toast

Can Diabetics Eat Cheese on Toast

People with diabetes can have cheese on toast but should eat them in moderation. Although it has a low GI score, there are more good practices when having it.

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