
lingfeng zhang
What is the Difference Between Type 2 & Type 1 Diabetes

What is the Difference Between Type 2 & Type 1 Diabetes

Diabetes is a group of clinical syndromes with glucose metabolism disorder as the main manifestation caused by genetic and environmental factors. There are mainly two types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2. There are certain differences in the etiology, morbidity, symptoms, disease characteristics, management, and impact of these two types of diabetes.

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lingfeng zhang
6 Tips For Type 2 Diabetes to Repair Islet Function to Achieve Stable Blood Sugar

6 Tips For Type 2 Diabetes to Repair Islet Function to Achieve Stable Blood Sugar

A person suffering from diabetes is like entering a vicious circle of falling down: On the one hand, a low level of insulin secreted by the pancreas, the amount secreted into the blood increases as the blood glucose rises, on the other hand, high blood sugar will further damage the islet, aggravating the lack of insulin secretion. Prolonged high blood sugar can damage nerves and organs and result complications.

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lingfeng zhang
Diabetes Prevention: 7 Causes of Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes Prevention: 7 Causes of Type 2 Diabetes

According to the latest report from World Health Organization, the number of people with diabetes rose from 108 million in 1980 to 422 million in 2014. The global prevalence of diabetes among adults over 18 years of age rose from 4.7% in 1980 to 8.5% in 2014. Between 2000 and 2016, there was a 5% increase in premature mortality from diabetes. Type 2 Diabetes is about more than 90 percent of people with diabetes.

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lingfeng zhang
How to Juggling If You Have Diabetes

How to Juggling If You Have Diabetes

The survey shows that ¼ of diabetic patients do not know that they have diabetes at an early stage. Diabetes has different types, especially Type 2 diabetes. The early symptoms of Type 2 diabetes are not obvious, and are more complicated than Type 1. How do we simply judge that we are already in the early stage through some symptoms? Is diabetes in early stages?

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